Affected Activities & Projects
What types of activities can trigger government requirements?
In a university setting, researchers, students, and staff may be affected by export control regulations through the following activities:
- Conducting research at the university
- Traveling to international destinations
- Shipping or taking items outside the U.S., such as laptops, software, and data
- Teaching or working with international students
How can Export Controls affect my research?
There are several scenarios that my require an export license from the U.S. government BEFORE they take place. Here are some examples:
- A physical transfer/disclosure of an item outside the U.S.
- Any transfer/disclosure of a controlled item or information within the U.S. to a foreign national
- Participation of foreign national faculty, staff, or students in affected research
- Presentation/discussion of previously unpublished research at conferences or meetings where foreign national scholars may be in attendance
- Research collaborations with foreign nationals and technical exchange programs
- Transfers of research equipment abroad (even for repair)
- Visits to your lab by foreign national scholars
What kinds of projects raise Export Control concerns?
Research projects that involve the following types of technology are at higher risk for having associated government requirements:
- Dual use (commercial in nature with possible military application); or
- Inherently military in nature
- Research in the following areas can frequently require export control:
- Engineering
- Geological Surveying
- Space sciences
- Computer Science Biomedical research with lasers
- Research with encrypted software
- Research with controlled chemicals, biological agents, and toxins